So, we've been back from town for a bit and I've just been updating things and checking bank accounts and what not, pleased to see that I will be getting paid for the 10 hours I worked before I had to leave my last job. That will come in very handy indeed!
I lost 6lbs, so am pretty chuffed with that. I am down to 15st 8lbs so roughly what I was about two months ago, give or take a couple of pounds. Am hoping to perhaps lose 3-4lbs next week so I can be back to what I was before I stopped going to WW (although my lowest recorded weight was 15st 2lbs) - cannot wait to get into the 14's, I truly cannot remember the last time I was in them, certainly not in my 20's!
I don't know if I mentioned it in my last entry but Lisa, my leader who is absolutely amazing, sent me a little note this week to my house telling me to "Keep Going" - I love that she does this, it's been a difficult month with one thing and another, especially not helped by the fact my M.E is pretty bad at the moment and I am struggling to do much exercise.
Anyway, week one is done and dusted :) I had an alpen bar after I weighed in and then a jacket potato from Spud U Like with Chilli Con Carne for lunch, just snacked on a pitta bread and some crabsticks and will be having prawn curry for dinner which was in this weeks Your Week.
Am going to try and relax tonight and just take some time out, even typing on the laptop is hurting my arms at the moment, something I've not felt for a long time :(
Hope you are all on track,
Happy Slimming =)
-Missyb -x-